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    Need to report a phishing email? These steps will show you how to use the Phish Notify button within your O365 email account.
    An overview of what phishing emails are, how to spot them, and the actions to take against them.
    There are other types of phishing attacks that attackers use. Here is information on four that have been used at this university.
    Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money. Cybercriminals can do this by installing malicious software on your computer or stealing personal information off of your computer. More often than not, phishing messages follow a standard framework that can be easy to spot if you now what you’re looking for.
    Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money. Cyber-criminals can do this by installing malicious software on your computer or stealing personal information from your computer. More often than not, phishing messages follow a standard framework that can be easy to spot if you know what to look for. Here's a look at the anatomy of a typical phishing email
    You received an email titled "Your phish report has been reviewed" from the NDUS SOC at This is a legit email to provide feedback when you use the Report as Phishing button. If you are unsure, please contact UND Tech Support to report your concerns.