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    You can control when your course is private—or unavailable—to your students. For example, you may not want students to access your course while it is under construction.
    A blog is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended to share with others. Most blogs also have a commenting feature, so that people can respond to one another's thoughts. Blogs encourage students to clearly express their ideas. Blogs also address the need to expand various aspects of social learning. From the instructor's point of view, blogs are an effective means of gaining insight into students' activities and provide a way to share the knowledge and materials collecte
    A question pool is a collection of questions that is stored for repeated use.

    You can use pools to create tests and surveys. You can also export and import pools for use in tests in other courses.
    You can create one or more journals for your students to use in your course. You must create journal topics before students can add their entries.
    You and your students can create journal entries. You're the only one who can comment on students' private entries. You and group members can comment on group entries. On the Journals listing page, information is provided about each journal. Students can see if their entries are private—between the student and you—or public.
    Steps to make a Blackboard course or organization available for a specific user.