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How to download and install the YuJa app for Mac, PC, and mobile devices.
Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from a Windows PC.
For instructors and students: How to launch the YuJa Software Capture application from within Blackboard, set up and create a recording, and share it in any Content Area, assignment, discussion board, or any other area with a text editor inside of your Blackboard course.
Missing Grade Center scroll bars are a symptom of the default font size on your computer being set too high. The following instructions show you how to always display Grade Center scroll bars.
Clearing your browser's cache, cookies, and site data can help solve many issues related to accessing and using browser-based resources.
How to transfer your data to a new or rebuilt UND-owned computer.
This article walks through how to add the uniFLOW "My Queue" widget to your dashboard.
Instructions for using the uniFLOW online dashboard, where users can view their print activity, notifications, print queue, and other info about their uniFLOW account.
Steps to change default audio on Windows or Mac.