Search9 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Creating Digital Presentations
- YuJa
How to download and install the YuJa app for Mac, PC, and mobile devices.
- Knowledge Base
- Internet and Wi-Fi
Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from a Windows PC.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Creating Digital Presentations
- YuJa
For instructors and students: How to launch the YuJa Software Capture application from within Blackboard, set up and create a recording, and share it in any Content Area, assignment, discussion board, or any other area with a text editor inside of your Blackboard course.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Missing Grade Center scroll bars are a symptom of the default font size on your computer being set too high. The following instructions show you how to always display Grade Center scroll bars.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications and Software
Clearing your browser's cache, cookies, and site data can help solve many issues related to accessing and using browser-based resources.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers and Printing
- Computer and Device Support
How to transfer your data to a new or rebuilt UND-owned computer.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers and Printing
- Faculty and Staff Printing Support
This article walks through how to add the uniFLOW "My Queue" widget to your dashboard.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers and Printing
- Faculty and Staff Printing Support
Instructions for using the uniFLOW online dashboard, where users can view their print activity, notifications, print queue, and other info about their uniFLOW account.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications and Software
Steps to change default audio on Windows or Mac.