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    For instructors and students: How to launch the YuJa Software Capture application from within Blackboard, set up and create a recording, and share it in any Content Area, assignment, discussion board, or any other area with a text editor inside of your Blackboard course.
    You can create a YuJa recording in Blackboard or directly through YuJa.  The following steps are to create a recording in YuJa.
    A list of classroom standards developed for University of North Dakota. Classroom standards were developed in order to provide robust support and equipment spares for all available classrooms.
    Steps for setting up the Hue Document Camera as a video input in Zoom and sharing from the doc cam during a meeting: this allows instructors to share physical media and examples (like books) in their presentations and meetings.
    Steps for setting up the Hue Document Camera as a video input in YuJa Software Station: this allows instructors to share physical media and examples (like books) in their recorded presentations.