YuJa's picture-in-picture mode is designed to optimize user viewing experience in tight spaces by allowing you to stack the primary and secondary video feeds within one player window. The picture-in-picture display can be swapped between sources (such as webcam and desktop), and users can also move the smaller, embedded picture source within the larger window to suit their viewing preference.
How to Access Picture-in-Picture Mode
❶ Launch (play) any recording, then click on the
settings icon in the lower right corner. A pop-up menu will appear.
❷ Click PICTURE-IN-PICTURE. The smaller, secondary video window will move over and float above the main video display.

How to Use Picture-in-Picture Mode
Re-arrange the windows: Hover over the smaller video window, then click and drag to move it anywhere within the YuJa player.
Swap the windows: Click
(the 'swap' icon in the upper-right of either video window) to switch focus/views between webcam and desktop feeds.

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