UND email sending limit

UND email account:

The sending limit for all UND email accounts including faculty, staff or students is 500 emails per 24 hours. This rule was put in place on December 18th, 2024 for all faculty, staff and students. No exemptions will be offered for this rule, instead, see the below information regarding a "Distribution List". More information on why these rules were implemented can be found below under "Details".


Distribution List:

If you need to send an email with more than 500 recipients within a 24 hour period you will need to use a distribution list.

Distribution lists have a limit of 100,000 members and can send 10,000 emails within a 24 hour period. But they have a 25MB size limit. 



To enhance security and manage email traffic these limits help prevent spam and ensures the reliability of our email system. Compromised email accounts are frequently used by attackers to send large quantities of phishing, fraud, and malicious emails to NDUS faculty, staff, and students.  Limiting the number of emails that can be sent by an account drastically reduces the risk from these advanced email attacks.  Send limits reduce the number of emails that are received, thereby reducing the number of people affected.  Send limits also make remediation of these emails much quicker and more effective and are considered Microsoft best-practice. 


Who to Contact: 

Please contact UND Tech Support with questions. 


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