Email links not opening in default browser

When utilizing the Outlook desktop application, you may notice that Microsoft Edge opens when clicking on a link located within your email instead of your default browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. This article will walk you through the steps to changing the setting that is allowing this.

1. In Outlook Click on File.

Outlook with arrow point to File

2. Select Options located towards the bottom left.

Arrow point towards the "Options" selection located in the bottom left

3. Select Advanced from the list of options.

arrow pointing to the location of advanced

4. Under the fourth header "File and browser preferences" click the drop down menu for "Open hyperlinks from Outlook in: "circling the hyperlinks default browser option

5. Select "Default Browser" and hit Ok on the bottom.

locating the default browser option then the ok option

Now any links opened from within outlook will go to your default browser.


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