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    A step-by-step guide on how to change the outlook setting prevent your links found In outlook from opening up in Microsoft Edge
    The usage of Zoom has gone up exponentially and most of us have probably used it one time or another while working remotely. Some new features have been added including a Zoom plugin right on Outlook to make scheduling and attending online meetings simple. Below are some tips to enhance your Zoom experience.
    How to set a default point value that will be automatically applied to all new questions added to the desired Blackboard test: This setting should be applied before you add content to your Blackboard test — if you change the default point value after adding questions, the old questions will retain the previous value. Only new questions will have the new value. Note: this feature is not available for questions in pools and surveys.
    How to change how long Outlook 365 saves your emails.
    UND UIT configures computers across campus to meet the needs of faculty and staff, all while staying secure, and manageable. Each are configured with the following in mind; remote desktop support, maintenance, security, and asset management.
    Steps to open a file with a non-default windows program, and how to always open with another program.
    Steps to change default audio on Windows or Mac.