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    Information about the Blackboard app for mobile devices. This app uses Blackboard Ultra's Responsive Web Design to offer the same features as the desktop version of the website, making it easy to jump back and forth between mobile and desktop.
    Copy Blackboard calendar events to your external/personal calendar: Follow these steps to automatically send scheduling information from Bb to any 3rd-party calendar that accepts .ics URLs as a source. Once it's configured, you can see all of your events in one place and be informed about upcoming Bb due dates without logging in. NOTE: Refresh rate depends on 3rd-party calendar, updating once every 1-24 hours. Not every class uses Bb calendar. Events only copy *from Bb to the external calendar.
    In order for your Outlook calendar to sync with your Starfish calendar, the UND Starfish account must have access to your Outlook calendar and mailbox.  Submit a ticket to University IT and in this ticket, give permission to allow Starfish and Outlook to read each other. You can still use the Starfish calendar without this access; however, without it, your Starfish and Outlook calendars won’t sync with each other.