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    How to create a link in your Blackboard course to other users' public or shared YuJa videos.
    Tips for navigating HRMS Employee Self Service.
    You can control when your course is private—or unavailable—to your students. For example, you may not want students to access your course while it is under construction.
    A tutorial to toggle between show/hide menu items.
    My Blackboard and the user menu are available everywhere in Blackboard Learn and give you a personalized view of your learning environment.
    You can access the NEW calendar from the Ultra Base Navigation menu (the main menu, outside of your courses, seen immediately after login) -or- access the CLASSIC calendar from the Tools menu inside any of your courses. The new calendar has an improved user interface, but you may opt to use the in-course calendar. Please see this article for more information about using both versions.
    The content editor is a platform-independent WYSIWYG editor based on TinyMCE and licensed as Open Source under LGPL from Moxiecode Systems AB. The content editor has a large number of new and enhanced features and serves as a replacement for the old text editor.
    The Blackboard course menu allows students to easily navigate through your course.