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    Using old/unsupported browsers may cause problems with Blackboard's text editor. Use the included links to check your browser version and update/install, if needed.
    How to allow pop-up windows in Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
    Clearing your browser's cache, cookies, and site data can help solve many issues related to accessing and using browser-based resources.
    This article walks through how to add the uniFLOW "My Queue" widget to your dashboard.
    Instructions for using the uniFLOW online dashboard, where users can view their print activity, notifications, print queue, and other info about their uniFLOW account.
    The latest versions of Microsoft Edge offer the ability to open office files in the browser using Microsoft's  When this option is enabled, attempting to open Office documents from Blackboard may result in an HTTP 404 error, or the Word online application opens but displays the message "Sorry, there was a problem and we can't open this document. If this happens again, try opening the Document in Microsoft Word"