Some instructors prefer to combine multiple course sites into a single merged Blackboard course. This allows them to post materials only once for all enrolled students to see, rather than posting to each separate course site.
The Course Merge copies the student enrollments from one or more "child" courses into a "parent" course. Course merge can be used to:
- Merge enrollments of two or more sections of the same course that have the same department and catalog number.
- Merge cross-listed courses that have different departments and catalog numbers.
In a merged course, students will see the name of the original course and the content from the parent course. The Course Merge Tool does not copy any content from the child courses to the parent course. If you want to copy content from any of the child courses to the parent course you should make note of this when requesting the merge. After merging, the child course(s) will be unavailable and new content can be added to the parent course only.
Reasons Not to Merge Blackboard Courses:
- Course Merge will combine the Grade Center listing for all the students. If you require separate Grade Centers do not use Course Merge. This may apply if you teach both undergraduate and graduate sections of a course and they are graded differently.
- If you have entered grades or collected student work in a Blackboard course, you will not be able to access the grades or submitted work after merging as a child course. Once courses are merged, we are unable to reverse this, so we recommend merging Blackboard courses before any grades are recorded.
A request to combine multiple course sections into one Blackboard site may be submitted at the Blackboard Course Request Form.
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