Find and use the LiquidFiles Agent app

  1. Select the Windows icon in the lower left corner of your desktop.
  2. Type LiquidFiles Agent to search, then select the LiquidFiles Agent application.

Search results for LiquidFiles Agent

  1. This will open the NDUS File Sharing Transfer Agent in the lower right corner.

LiquidFiles Agent app default

  1. As in the Outlook plugin, you several options to choose from: 

File Link

FileLinks are direct links to files. The primary use case is to be able to send links to files when you don't necessarily know the recipient before hand, or just want something quick and easy. It's also great for posting links in oline forums, in instant messaging apps and so on.

Secure Attach

Any file you would normally attach using the attach icon on Outlook can be attached using this Secure Attach button instead. This will cause any file attached to the email to be sent using LiquidFiles Secure File Share.

Attach Folder

You can also attach a folder at once and all files in this folder will be attached to this email.

Select Existing Files

Any file you've already sent that hasn't expired is available to send again without having to upload the file again. 
  1. Make your selection by choosing a tab and browsing to the file(s). 
  2. A popup window will appear with email options and a text editor for your message.

Empty LiquidFiles Agent email example

Private Message

This will cause the body of the email to be sent securely through LiquidFiles with or without any attachments. You will get confirmation when someone has opened your email as well as downloaded any attachments.

Files expire

Allows you to manually set how long the recipient can access the files.


Allows you to manually set how many times the recipient can download the file(s).
  1. When ready, click Send. A copy will be sent to your Outlook inbox.

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*This option is for Windows computers only.

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