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    This article provides resources for instructors to assist it making their content accessible.
    The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an all-in-one video experience to securely create, manage, discover, collaborate, and deliver video content across any device, at any time. This article contains resources for faculty getting started with YuJa.
    VoiceThread is a tool integrated within Blackboard that can be used to enhance student engagement and online presence by providing collaborative spaces with video, voice, and text commenting among students and instructors.
    A Quick-Start Guide Instructors - covering how to set up Microsoft OneNote's integration with your Blackboard course site. Students (and instructors) can collaborate and submit written assignments using this virtual shared notebook. Adjust the settings to provide a private, independent workspace, if desired.
    As advisors, Starfish currently sends you an immediate notification email when one of your students receives 3-5 flags, 6+ flags, or an Early Alert No Show flag in a course. You will now also be receiving a daily summary/digest email with the specifics of any course flags raised the previous day for all of your students. (This will make it easier to note the details about flags without logging into Starfish.)