- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
How to overwrite an existing grade in a Blackboard course (available to Instructors, Teaching Assistants, and Graders). When a grade is changed, the new data is automatically incorporated into existing weighted, total, and calculated grade columns — and an entry is made in the grade history.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
My Blackboard and the user menu are available everywhere in Blackboard Learn and give you a personalized view of your learning environment.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
This article for students and instructors explains how users can choose which course's notifications they get, as well as the format they receive them in.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
Blackboard Ultra has built-in reports that instructors can run to view information about course usage and activity.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications and Software
Learn about the Faculty Success tools for faculty.
- Knowledge Base
- Microsoft 365 and Email
- Office 365
- Microsoft TEAMS
Your Activity feed is a summary of everything that's happened in the team channels you follow. You can get caught up with everything fast.