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- Online Collaboration/Meetings
- Zoom
The Zoom Health License can be applied to a UND Zoom account and modifies the account to enforce advanced security settings to ensure that any Zoom sessions that the license holder creates and hosts will be either meeting or exceeding HIPAA security guidelines. These settings already exist within Zoom, Zoom Health just ensures that they are always on for all created sessions. Such features include the removal of cloud recording access, and enhanced end-to-end encryption settings. Any user who
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
- Zoom
Steps to join a Zoom meeting when a login is required to join.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
- Zoom
Zoom is a cloud-based videoconferencing and collaboration platform. With Zoom you have the flexibility to create virtual classrooms and invite students to join from their desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Students can also share content from their devices such as PowerPoint presentations, and YouTube videos. Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students for academic purposes.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
- Zoom
The usage of Zoom has gone up exponentially and most of us have probably used it one time or another while working remotely. Some new features have been added including a Zoom plugin right on Outlook to make scheduling and attending online meetings simple. Below are some tips to enhance your Zoom experience.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
Class Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Class Collaborate opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any software to join a session.
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- Microsoft 365 and Email
- Office 365
This article links to Microsoft's information regarding their meeting transcripts product.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
If you are using the Class Collaborate tool, you have one room dedicated to your course. It is open for the life of your course. You can't create new sessions.