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    Import final grades into Campus Connection from any Blackboard course accurately, quickly, and easily with Grades Integration. Just click 'import grades', and the final grades from a specialized column in your Blackboard course's gradebook are automatically sent to Campus Connection, where you may review and approve them.
    Gradescope is an assignment and exam creation platform that integrates seamlessly with your course in Blackboard. Instructors can choose from a wide variety of assessment types (administered online or in-person). After submission, instructors can use Gradescope's advanced feedback tools to provide a thoughtful analysis quickly and efficiently, and sync the evaluation with the Blackboard course site's Grade Center. This article provides an introduction to Gradescope for instructors and students.
    The weighted column generates a grade based on the result of selected columns and categories, and their respective percentages. When you create a weighted column, you can include regular/automatically-created columns, other calculated columns, and other weighted columns.