Navigate Your Blackboard Course & Organization Pages


Instructions for students and instructors: How to access the Course page and navigate to your courses in Blackboard, view information about your courses, search and filter courses by term and course role, and customize your view of the Course page using the settings.


You can view a list of your current and previous courses using the My Blackboard Courses page. Similarly, organizations are found on the Organizations page, directly below it in the main menu. Most of the following instructions apply to both of the course/org pages. Use the default view to find and navigate to your active courses, or use the term filter to view your previous courses. Each course card links you to the course's site in Blackboard, and includes information such as: course title, course ID, instructors, description, and schedule (if available). 

At the beginning of each semester, Blackboard is automatically populated with the courses you added in Campus Connection. This allows students to access course information, such as the instructor's contact information and the course syllabus, as quickly as possible. Students will also be enrolled in a Student Orientation course, which is a free, non-graded, course that contains information about using Blackboard and the other academic technologies at UND. If you have dropped a course, you may still see it listed in Blackboard temporarily. It will be removed automatically when the system syncs the information; you will not be billed for courses that you are not enrolled in (listed in Campus Connection). In the meantime, you can customize the appearance of your Courses page for easier navigation.

Note: Many of these instructions also apply to the My Blackboard Organizations page, which is available below Courses in the Base Navigation menu. For more information about using Organizations, please see Blackboard's help page for students or instructors.


Find the Courses Page & Access Your Blackboard Courses

After logging in to Blackboard, you will see the main Institution Page with announcements – the UBN (Ultra Base Navigation) menu will appear on the left side of the page. In the UBN menu, click Courses to open the My Courses page.

Screenshot of 'My Courses' page in Blackboard UBN

Navigate the Courses Page

You can use the Courses page to quickly access your course's Blackboard pages. The default view displays the classes you are currently enrolled in, but you can use the navigation menus to view courses that aren't currently active. Find the desired (active) course and click its title to open the Blackboard course site. If you don't see the course you are looking for, you can also use the settings to change and organize your view to see courses in different categories, such as past semesters.

Screenshot of the Bb Courses page with a key defining each tool/option/setting available to students and instructors.

  1. Course Card - The Courses page contains multiple 'cards' that display information about each course you are enrolled or teaching in.
    • Course Title - Used for navigation; click the course title to open your course's Blackboard site.
    • Original / Ultra Course View - 'Original' is the default course view, but instructor may opt in to the Ultra course view.
    • Screenshot of the 'Private' icon (padlock) - denotes locked course / no access to the course's Blackboard page.Private / Open Indicator - Instructors may lock their course, making it temporarily inaccessible to students. If a course is currently set to 'Private', students will see the padlock icon and the link will be inactive. This is usually done while the course is under construction, before the semester begins, or after the semester has ended.
    • Instructors - Click to see a list of all of the course's instructors.
  2. More Info - Displays more information about the course, such as a course summary or description (if available).
  3. Screenshot of the 'Favorite' icon (star) - used to keep a course at the top of the list on your Courses page. Set Favorite - Click the star icon to mark any of your courses as a favorite - they will always appear at the top of the list on your Courses page.
  4. Screenshot of the 'More Options' icon (ellipses) - click to open a drop-down menu where you can hide courses (instructors may also set their course to private/open). More Options - Use the drop-down menu to change the course's accessibility:
    • Hide - Removes the course from your own view only. Besides being hidden from your course list, activity for hidden courses will not appear on the global pages that show information about all your courses (like Activity StreamMessages, or Grades). To restore a hidden course, filter the list by Hidden from me, open the desired course's menu, and select Show course.
    • Private/Open - Changes the course site's availability for all enrolled students. They will still see the Course Card with basic information on their Courses page, but they will not be able to access the course's specific Blackboard page (this setting is available to instructors only).
  5. Change View - You can toggle the view to see your courses as a list or in a grid. In grid view, instructors can customize the image that appears on the Course Card by clicking the ellipses at the top of the image. This image will also appear as a banner image at the top of the course's Blackboard page, but it may be disabled in Ultra courses only. The image should contain no text (it will warp) and be at least 1200x240 pixels, with a 4:1 aspect ratio.
  6. Filter by Term - Use the drop-down menu (or the arrows at the left and right) to view courses from different terms. The course's start and end dates control where courses appear on this page; under Past (title is the term date)Current, or Upcoming Courses
    Note: Active courses with custom start/end dates will appear on the Current Courses page, in the Assorted Dates section. Non-term courses appear on the Past or Upcoming courses page, depending on their start/end date.
  7. Filter by Attribute - Select an attribute to filter the courses you see on this page. Choose from: courses I teach, courses I am taking, courses I support, open courses, private courses, and completed courses.
  8. Items per Page - You can set the Courses page to display 25, 50, or 100 items at once.
  9. Course Catalog - Use the course catalog to browse the courses offered at UND. You can search for courses based on course ID, name, description, instructor, term, and search phrase/term. Select a course from the results to preview the content, or self-enroll, if allowed.
  10. Help - Click the question mark/bubble icon for a link to the Blackboard help site, or to view session debug info.

More Information

For more information about the Courses page, please see Blackboard's help page for students or instructors.


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Article ID: 59861
Wed 8/8/18 1:01 PM
Tue 4/30/24 12:28 PM

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