Elevating DocuSign User Rights


The following is a guide on how DocuSign Department Admins can elevate rights of those in their areas. If you are not a DocuSign Department Admin please consult with your area or submit a request to become one.

  1. Click on the user Icon to the top right and select Go to Admin.

Click on the user Icon to the top right and select Go to Admin.

  1. Find the user in your area needing elevated rights and click on Actions to the far right and select Edit.

Find the user in your area needing elevated rights and click on Actions to the far right and select Edit.

  1. Change the Permission Set to DS Creator and ensure they are added to your area's group by selecting the group from the drop down and clicking + Add Group. Then click Save.

Change the Permission Set to DS Creator and ensure they are added to your area's group by selecting the group from the drop down and clicking + Add Group. Then click Save.

  1. You are now finished elevating rights for that individual. You can proceed with steps 2 and 3 for any additional members.

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DocuSign is a secure, paperless alternative for official document signatures. Digital document signatures help reduce the carbon footprint by reducing the amount of paper required, plus it is faster than snail mail and eliminates the hassle of finding a fax machine. DocuSign makes keeping copies as easy as saving on your computer, and it can be used on any device.

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