uPrint - Add Print Credit to Your Account

Tags uPrint credit
Warning! Chrome browser users will not be able to complete transactions with the payment provider. Firefox is the recommended browser to add credit to your account.

Additional Print Credit is available for purchase in the uPrint System.  Major Debit/Credit Cards are accepted as well as electronic checks.  It only takes 30 seconds to add additional Printing Credits.  All purchases for print credit are final using this instant payment option.  No cash/debit/credit refunds will be issued for any reason.  Purchased print credit will be held in the uPrint account under a special fund which carries over to each new semester until the account has been inactive for 1 year.

Check Your uPrint Balance

You can login to the uPrint system at https://webprint.und.edu. Your balance is displayed on Summary page. A list of recent transactions can be viewed on the Transactions History page.

Unused uPrint credit

Any credits left over at the end of the semester that are part of your print credit from UND or additional funds added by your college are zeroed out at the end of each semester.  At the beginning of the next semester, original credit amounts will be placed in your account.

If you have purchased your own print credit, any unused credits will carry over to the next semester until it is used or you no longer attend UND.

No refunds (cash or the equivalent) will be given after leaving UND (graduation or otherwise).  For this reason, please purchase extra print credit on an as-needed basis.

How to use the Instant Payment Option:

  1. Log into the uPrint System https://webprint.und.edu.

  2. Click the Add Credit option in the left menu.

  3. Select the Amount to add ($2, $5, $10, or $20) then click Add Credit.

  4. Select the Payment Type in the NDUS Payment System.

    1. Credit Card Options include Visa, Mastercard, Discover, DinaCard, or BCcard.

    2. Electronic Check for Checking or Savings bank accounts.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Fill out the required fields and click Continue.

The print credit will be instantly available for use after completing the payment information.  Please check the Summary Screen under the uPrint Additional Credit account for the active balance.


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