From the home screen on either an iPhone or iPad click on the Self Service application to access UND’s App Store. Click on “All” to access all software available for your device. Click “Install” under AssetCloud by Wasp to install. Once the application is on the home screen open it.

Once the application is opened you will be required to sign in. Use the service Url previously provided, provide a device name to your mobile scanner, and sign in with your AssetCloud username and password you previously setup.
You will be asked how you want to filter your data. Select the option “No Filter (All Data)” and click Download. Provided there is a good connection this will download relatively quickly.
Basic Navigation
Mobile Version
To view the menus and search bar, click on the hamburger icon (three bars) on the top left of your screen. This will bring out the collapsed table and show the four main categories and the search box.

Searching Assets
If you touch in the search box a list of all the assets will come up
You can search by a variety of categories by using the drop down shown below

By clicking on an asset a variety of information about that asset will come up

Here you can add a photo or edit any of the information listed about the device
New Asset - Location to add assets

To view the menus and search bar, click on the hamburger icon (or three bars) on top left of you screen.

To view the various categories under assets you will need to click on assets. This can also be done by just hovering on the top of the menu items.

To organize the columns and field you can click on the three dots (as shown below) to select and deselect your fields.

You can also drag and drop the different columns (Asset type, site, location, etc.) to organize into an order of your liking. This is saved per login so it saves to your profile each time you log in.

To filter each column, you select the ‘Show Filter’ button on the top right and then you can search for a particular thing in each column.

Using the button above you can clear all filters to get rid of everything you have sorted by.

Once clicked on the object you can see more information about the device.
To go back you just need to click cancel.

You can also drag the categories onto the grey column to group them.
You can add as many groups as you would like.
This can be saved by clicking the green “Save View” button (green).
This can also be exported and will be exported by however you have it sorted

You can also right click the device and check the device in or out and move it or dispose of it.

You can also use the search box to find what you are looking for.
This can be used to search across three fields.
Once entered the speedometer icon (green in photo) will be shown in one of three colors to indicate how long the search will take.
- Green- Quick Search
- Yellow-
- Red- Slowest search
This is based on how many fields it will have to search across depending on the categories you select.

This will show you the history of whatever you have done.
All the features of dragging and dropping can be used in this as well.

If you hover over the notes and signatures as shown below, it will show you the note that was left with the object.