AutoDesk apps for students

Students obtaining products for themselves

As a student, you can create an account and confirm your eligibility for the Autodesk Education Plan. Follow these steps:

  1. Create an Autodesk account using your school-provided email by going to the Get Products page and clicking Get Started.

  2. Confirm your eligibility, which involves validating your role as a student with a qualified educational institution.
    Note: You may need to submit additional documentation before your eligibility is approved.

  3. Download and install your software from the Get Products page.
    Important: Even if your software is already installed on the device you’re using, you must click Download on the product card to trigger your product entitlement.

  4. Start your product, sign in to Autodesk account, and begin using your software.
    Note: Once you’re signed in on your browser, you may need to click Go to Product to return to your software.

Students renewing product access

To continue your access to Education software, you must renew your eligibility every year.  You can check your renewal date by going to the Get Products page. Sign in to view your personalized banner at the top of the page. Also be sure to check your email, as Autodesk will send an email reminder 30 days before your eligibility expires.


To renew educational access to Autodesk software, see Renewing access to Education software.

To learn more about renewing access, you can view this short video: Renew education access (1:35 min.)


Note: If you miss your renewal date, you must restart access to your education software and any subscriptions you had, even if a product is already installed.

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