Set up the LiquidFiles Outlook plugin

*This option is for Windows computers only

How do I install the LiquidFiles Secure File Share plugin for Outlook?

How do I set up the LiquidFiles Outlook plugin?

  1. Close your Outlook program and reopen for the plugin to appear.
  2. Open a New Email and click Secure Attach.
  3. Choose any file to attach to be prompted to set up the Server, User name, and Password.

Choose any file to attach to be prompted to set up the Server, User name, and Password

  1. Enter the fields and click OK.
    1. Server:
    2. User name: Your NDUS.identifier [same as Blackboard, Campus Connection, and HRMS Eployee Self Service]
    3. Password: Your NDUS password [same as Blackboard, Campus Connection, and HRMS Eployee Self Service]
  2. You are now set up to use LiquidFiles within Outlook.

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*This option is for Windows computers only.

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