Get Assistance with Account or Password Issues

Get help logging into Campus Connection, Blackboard, Office 365 email, HRMS, UND Wireless Network, and almost all the other systems used at UND.
Please enter the username claimed when you were hired or once your enrollment was accepted. This is also known as a, or NDUS.identifier account and is typically your "firstname.lastname" however it can contain middle initials or numbers to make it unique only to you.
Please enter the 7 digit EMPLID assigned when you were hired or when your enrollment was accepted. Please note: Some EMPLID numbers are six digits with a preceding "0" (zero).
Please select the system or application you are trying to access from this list, or select the option for "Other system, application, or web page".
The name of the system or the URL to the login page you are using can help Tech Support determine more about your account issue.
Please add a non-UND email address (such as as an alternative contact method.
Please list any errors, messages or steps leading to the issue being experienced with the login process.
If the issue you are experiencing appears related to your DUO MFA account select the potential issue below:
If you are never prompted for DUO authentication or if it appears to be working do not select any of these options.
If the issue you are experiencing appears related to your DUO MFA account select the potential issue below:
What are you using to log into the system or application?
What are you using to log into the system or application?
What type of device are you using?
What type of device are you using?
What web browser are you using?
What web browser are you using?
Attach a screenshot of the login page or error message here:
To ensure the safety of your account we are not able to verify identity for account resets over chat or email. 
If you need your account password reset, once you have submitted this ticket please call UIT Tech Support at 1.701.777.2222 and refer to the ticket number so we can verify your identity over the phone.


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