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    Audience: Instructors
    How to identify and bulk download your videos and media currently housed on YuJa – archive on OneDrive or save locally for later use.
    In Blackboard, every gradable item has a corresponding column in the Grade Center. To delete columns, the matching items must also be deleted. Alternatively, instructors can temporarily hide columns from themselves (in the Full Grade Center) and/or from students (in My Grades). Please follow these steps to change column visibility.
    A smart view is a focused look at the Grade Center that shows only the columns that match a set of criteria. The view is saved for continued use. When the Grade Center includes a great number of students and columns, you can use smart views to quickly find data. Several smart views are available by default, but you can also create your own.
    Blackboard's Statistics Tracking feature allows instructors to view detailed access/usage statistics for selected content items in their course. This feature must be manually enabled in the settings of each content item you would like to track. It may be turned on after students have already interacted with the item, but the report will not include their previous activity.