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The content editor is a platform-independent WYSIWYG editor based on TinyMCE and licensed as Open Source under LGPL from Moxiecode Systems AB. The content editor has a large number of new and enhanced features and serves as a replacement for the old text editor.
How to take notes in OneNote., including how to type notes, add a page, rename a page, add a section, and rename a section.
Vevox has provided YouTube video demonstrations of many of their products functions. Several of these demonstrations are linked within this article.
We are currently experiencing problems with the MathType and Calculated Formula Question tools in Blackboard. Both of the math editors display incorrectly, which may prevent users from inputting equations in the fields. A temporary workaround is available.
Using old/unsupported browsers may cause problems with Blackboard's text editor. Use the included links to check your browser version and update/install, if needed.