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    Record management considerations for remote work.
    An introduction to Simple Syllabus for instructors. Use the online editor to build customized syllabi for all of your courses.
    The Zoom-Outlook Integration allows users to add meetings and manage their calendar, all without leaving Outlook. There are two types of integration: the Zoom 'Plugin' and the Zoom 'Add-In'. Both types function similarly, but Zoom recommends the 'Add-In' version for better security and more robust deployment/management.
    Zoom is a cloud-based videoconferencing and collaboration platform. With Zoom you have the flexibility to create virtual classrooms and invite students to join from their desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Students can also share content from their devices such as PowerPoint presentations, and YouTube videos.  Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students for academic purposes.
    You can access the NEW calendar from the Ultra Base Navigation menu (the main menu, outside of your courses, seen immediately after login) -or- access the CLASSIC calendar from the Tools menu inside any of your courses. The new calendar has an improved user interface, but you may opt to use the in-course calendar. Please see this article for more information about using both versions.
    The Zoom for Outlook add-in is designed to allow you to add Zoom meetings to any new or existing calendar events, edit or update Zoom meeting settings, and even schedule meetings on behalf of other Zoom hosts within Outlook web and desktop apps.