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    Zoom breakout rooms are used to split meeting participants into separate groups for focused discussion. The meeting host may allow users to select and join their own room (and move freely between them, if desired).
    VoiceThread is a tool integrated within Blackboard that can be used to enhance student engagement and online presence by providing collaborative spaces with video, voice, and text commenting among students and instructors.
    The main discussion board page displays a list of forums. A forum is where participants discuss a topic or a group of related topics. Within each forum, users can create multiple threads. A thread includes the initial post and all replies to it. You can create forums and threads to organize discussions into units or topics relevant to your course.
    To build a successful online community, students need the tools to interact and have conversations. Through conversation, we learn about each other, ourselves, the topic, how to get along, and make group decisions. Though time and geography limit some of our conversations, the power of the connection using varied conversation technologies build community.

    Students report that their satisfaction with online courses relates to instructor presence and the collaboration and sense of community the