Connect a Chromebook to Secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi


Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from a Chromebook laptop.


Notice! The UND NetX: Elevating Connectivity Project includes the development of a new network for residential halls, and academic and administrative buildings. During the building-by-building transition, users on campus will see different Wi-Fi networks depending on where they are, and will need to follow specific instructions to connect. If you see the new "UND-Secured" name in your list of available Wi-Fi networks, click here. If you DO NOT see "UND-Secured" click here.


  1. From your Chromebook's available Wi-Fi networks, choose "UND Open".
  2. Click on the notification in the lower right that says The Wi-Fi network you are using (UND Open) may require you to visit its login page.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  3. On the UND Wireless Network Access page, click Daily Access.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  4. Enter your UND and Password.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Once logged in, open the Google Chrome web browser, and navigate to
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  1. Click InstallUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  2. Click Add to Chrome.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  3. Click Add Extension.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  4. JoinNow MultiOS will show in the extension area for Google Chrome.

  5. Return to the browser tab and enter your UND credentials.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  6. A window will appear asking you to save the download. Save it where you can locate it later. Do not rename the file.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  7. In the Chrome search bar, enter chrome://network then press EnterUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  8. Click on Choose File under the Import ONC file.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  9. Select SecureW2.onc from the folder in which it was saved and then click Open.

  10. Once you have completed the above steps you should then be able to choose "UND Protected" from your available networks.

Warning! Remember to keep the JoinNow MulitOS extension installed within Google Chrome, or you will lose access to "UND Protected".




Article ID: 150394
Mon 4/8/24 1:22 PM
Mon 2/3/25 11:39 AM

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