Report a Phishing Email
Outlook Desktop Client
To report a phishing email in the desktop Outlook client, click the Home section of the toolbar and select the fish icon on the far right or look in the window that contains the email. If you do not see the icon, click the three dots to view more options. Depending on the version of Outlook you are utilizing, the icon itself may look slightly different. Below are two of the most common views
Outlook Web App
To report a phishing email in the Outlook Web App, click on the fish icon on the message window or click the message options menu (three dots), then click the fish icon in the pop-up window.
Outlook Mobile App
To report a phishing email while using Outlook Mobile App for iOS and Android devices, click on the message options menu (three dots), then click the fish icon in the pop-up window.
Other Email Clients
To report a phishing email while using all other email clients, forward the phishing email to UND Security Team: