● Expanded Lithium Battery Disposal Process


The info contained in this article is for UIT use only. It should not be shared with students, faculty, or staff.

The following is the process to dispose of expanded batteries that are being stored in the hardware department.

Click on the following link to be taken to the Forms section for the University of North Dakota > Public Safety > Resources > Forms. Open Waste Disposal / Manifest Form and click on the Chemical Universal Waste Disposal Form/Manifest (Chemical / Waste Disposal Form).

The form will look like this.

UIT is responsible for completing the top portion and all the areas in white in the table on the bottom portion of the form.

A completely filled out form (prior to signatures) should look like the image below. The yellow block below needs to be signed by Eric Peterson and the red block needs to be signed by the Endpoint Support Manager. 

See Joneen or Justin for the appropriate fund number.

For each items weight, query the part number on Amazon and weights should be listed in the product description. For container size and type type 5 gal and metal bucket. For the radioactive section type N/A.

When completed, upload the completed form to Docusign. Two signatures are required. Eric Peterson (eric.peterson2@und.edu) will need to sign the form next to “Signature of authorized billing contact”. The Endpoint Support Manager will need to sign “Originator’s/Designee’s Signature” at the bottom right. The completed form will need to be sent to Office of Safety. After it is received you will await a phone call from the Office of Safety to arrange a date/time for pickup.



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