● Submit a Local Admin Request


The info contained in this article is for UIT use only. It should not be shared with students, faculty, or staff.

This article describes the process for creating a ticket for a local admin request. A new ticket should be created each time for tracking purposes regardless of whether the request was made in an existing ticket for a different service. This is a service request

**Note: Please remember that Faculty automatically receive local admin rights on their computers by default. Please do not submit a request if the user is Faculty. If the users job title is vague and you are unclear if the position is Faculty or Staff don't hesitate to reach out to HR to confirm. **

When creating the new service request for local admin the following fields should be filled out:

  1. ​​​Requestor: Name of the individual requesting local admin rights
  2. Acct/Dept: Department of the individual requesting local admin rights
  3. Location: Building the individual is located at
  4. Source:  Chat, Email, Phone, Self submit etc.
  5. Title: label "Admin Access"
  6. Description: Be as descriptive as possible. Computer name(s), make/model and service tags. Include why they are asking for local admin and ask what software they would like to install
  7. Type: Accounts and Security / Account Management
  8. Service: Accounts and Security / Account Login and Password Assistance
  9. Responsible: UIT - Cybersecurity (Group)(Notify on change)

After the ticket has been created make sure to update the ticket and send the following template response to the user. UIT Cybersecurity > Cybersecurity:Admin Rights. 

The template should look as follows and will contain the link to the docusign. 

Once Cybersecurity has approved the request the ticket will be assigned back to Endpoint/Hardware to complete the request. 



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