Update distribution group using Outlook

  1. Open the Outlook desktop application.
  2. Go to the Home tab and select Address Book.
  3. In the Address Book window, click All Distribution Lists.

In the Address Book window, click the All Distribution Lists. 

  1. In the Search box type the name of your distribution list.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Double-click your distribution group.
  4. Click Modify Members.

Click Modify Members.

  1. To Add a member:
    1. Click Add. 
    2. Search for the member you wish to add.
    3. Double-click their name and then click OK.
  2. :To Delete a member:
    1. Highlight their name.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. Double-click their name and then click OK.

Double-click their name and then click OK.

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Article ID: 134607
Tue 7/20/21 11:40 AM
Wed 12/7/22 1:56 PM

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