Classroom Specifications


A list of classroom standards developed for University of North Dakota. Classroom standards were developed in order to provide robust support and equipment spares for all available classrooms.


Below is a list of classroom standards developed for University of North Dakota. Classroom standards were developed in order to provide robust support and equipment spares for all available classrooms. 

Basic & Basic+ Classrooms

  1. Projector or TV display
  2. Screen
  3. Wall mounted speakers controlled by projector
  4. Wall Plate for laptop and DVD/VCR connection
  5. Basic+ includes teaching station/cart, computer and DVD/VCR

Basic Classrooms

  • Abbott Hall room 340
  • Babcock Hall room 206
  • Education Building room 11, 103, 104, 347
  • Law School room 260B
  • Merrifield Hall rooms 11, 101, 212, 304
  • O'Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 101, 103
  • Witmer Hall rooms 114, 116

Smart 1 Classroom 

  1. Computer with network, MS Office
  2. DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
  3. Document Camera
  4. Sound System
  5. Laptop connection jack
  6. Teaching Station (medium)
  7. Projector (ceiling mounted) 3-4,000 ANSI Lumens
  8. Screen 8x8' (manual)
  9. Control system with flip top keypad for media selection, volume control and projector on/off

Smart 1 Classrooms

  • Armory rooms 10, 101, 102, 105, 106
  • Babcock Hall room 108
  • Clifford Hall rooms 366, 368
  • Corwin-Larimore Hall rooms 103, 108, 302
  • Gamble Hall rooms 3, 5, 145, 270, 280, 355
  • Gillette Hall rooms 101, 303
  • Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms164, 248, 258
  • Hyslop Sports Center rooms 172, 316, 318
  • Law School room 201
  • Leonard Hall rooms107, 110, 112, 214, 215
  • Merrifield Hall rooms 10, 14, 113, 114, 116, 117,119, 209, 210, 303, 308, 313
  • Nursing Building 204, 210
  • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 1, 19, 32, 119, 125, 157, 201, 221, 228, 301
  • Ryan Hall room 134
  • Starcher Hall rooms 105 & 141
  • Streibel Hall rooms 106, 108
  • Witmer Hall rooms 209, 211, 309


  • Gamble Hall room 225, 283

Smart 2 Classroom (Default setup for new rooms) 

  1. Computer with network, MS Office
  2. DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
  3. Document Camera
  4. Sound System
  5. Laptop connection jack
  6. Teaching station (large)
  7. Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
  8. Screen 12X12' (electric)
  9. Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
  10. Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
  11. Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
  12. Interactive pen display

Smart 2 Classrooms

  • Abbott Hall rooms 101, 138
  • Education Building rooms 9, 12, 16, 22, 26, 109, 112, 114, 115, 294
  • Hughes Fine Arts room 202
  • Law Building rooms 8, 203
  • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 334
  • Upson Hall II room 261
  • Witmer Hall rooms 114, 116


  • Education 5,
  • Gamble Hall room 215, 315, 325
  • Law School rooms 101, 102
  • Nursing Building rooms 202, 212, 214, 216

Smart 3 Classroom 

  1. Computer with network, MS Office
  2. DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
  3. Document Camera
  4. Sound System
  5. Laptop connection jack
  6. Teaching station (large)
  7. Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
  8. Screen 12X12' (electric)
  9. Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
  10. Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
  11. Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
  12. Interactive pen display
  13. Additional projector used to display same image on both screens or different images on each screen.
  14. Additional components may be included.  Examples include: Polycom videoconferencing equipment, production station in the back of the room, and student tables with connections to projection devices.

Smart 3 Classrooms

  • Education Building rooms 7, 113
  • Gamble Hall rooms 1, 7, 335
  • Harrington Hall room 217
  • Leonard Hall room 100
  • Merrifield Hall room 312
  • Nursing Building rooms102, 108, 201
  • Odegard Hall room 114
  • O’Kelly Hall rooms 61, 31


  • Education Building 17
  • Gamble Hall rooms 335
  • Harrington Hall room 217
  • Law School rooms 6, 334, 335
  • Merrifield Hall room 312
  • Nursing Building rooms 201
  • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 310

Active Learning

  1. Computer with network, MS Office
  2. DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
  3. Document Camera
  4. Sound System
  5. Laptop connection jack
  6. Teaching station (large)
  7. Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
  8. Screen 12X12' (electric)
  9. Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
  10. Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
  11. Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
  12. Interactive pen display

Active Learning Classrooms - Examples

  • Abbott 115 (Seats 32) - Smart (Flexible tables with 3 displays)
  • Education 17 (Seats 24) - Team tables with displays & whiteboards
  • Gamble 145 (Seats 40) - Smart (Flexible tables with a projector and 2 displays)
  • Harrington 217 (Seats 48) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays
  • Med School B320B (Seats 30)
  • Merrifield 312 (Seats 30) - Smart (round tables with displays) - Mac OS Lab
  • Nursing 201 (Seats 60) - Smart (round tables with displays)
  • O'Kelly 1 (Seats 44) - Smart (dual projectors)
  • O'Kelly 19 (Seats 60) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays)
  • O'Kelly 61 (Seats 180) - SCALE-UP Active Learning, Smart 3 Room, with 60 Windows laptops
  • O'Kelly 119 (Seats 44) - Smart (dual projectors and 7 displays)
  • O'Kelly 310 (Seats 36) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays)
  • Streibel 116 (Seats 31) - Dual Projectors (Round Tables)

Hybrid components (can be added to Smart 1, 2, or 3) 

  1. Camera(s)- instructor view, student view, or both
  2. Student microphones
  3. Audio-conference system for telephone or VoIP webconferencing (using webconferencing applications such as Adobe Connect or Class Collaborate)
  4. Epiphan - VGA and DVI video capture hardware (for lecture capture recording)


  • Education 5, 17
  • Gamble Hall room 215, 225, 283, 315, 325, 335
  • Harrington Hall room 217
  • Law School rooms 6, 101, 102, 334, 335
  • Merrifield Hall room 312
  • Nursing Building rooms 201, 202, 212, 214, 216
  • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 310

Lecture Capture 

  1. Camera(s) - instructor view, student view, or both
  2. Instructor microphone
  3. Epiphan - VGA and DVI video capture hardware (for lecture capture recording from additional input - laptop, document camera)

Lecture Capture

  • WebCam
    • Babcock Hall room 108
    • Education rooms 16, 115, 294
    • Gillette Hall room 303
    • Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms 102
    • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 1, 119, 201, 334
    • Merrifield Hall rooms 10, 209, 303
    • Montgomery Hall rooms 201, 316
    • Starcher Hall rooms 105, 141
  • WebCam and wireless lapel microphone
    • Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms 164
    • Leonard Hall rooms 214, 215
    • Witmer Hall room 116
  • WebCam, wireless lapel microphone, interactive pen display
    • Abbott Hall room 115
    • Corwin-Larimore room 302
  • WebCam, wireless lapel microphone, interactive pen display, document camera
    • O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 61

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Article ID: 65750
Mon 10/22/18 1:59 PM
Mon 1/29/24 2:40 PM

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