Below is a list of classroom standards developed for University of North Dakota. Classroom standards were developed in order to provide robust support and equipment spares for all available classrooms.
Basic & Basic+ Classrooms
- Projector or TV display
- Screen
- Wall mounted speakers controlled by projector
- Wall Plate for laptop and DVD/VCR connection
- Basic+ includes teaching station/cart, computer and DVD/VCR
Basic Classrooms
- Abbott Hall room 340
- Babcock Hall room 206
- Education Building room 11, 103, 104, 347
- Law School room 260B
- Merrifield Hall rooms 11, 101, 212, 304
- O'Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 101, 103
- Witmer Hall rooms 114, 116
Smart 1 Classroom
- Computer with network, MS Office
- DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
- Document Camera
- Sound System
- Laptop connection jack
- Teaching Station (medium)
- Projector (ceiling mounted) 3-4,000 ANSI Lumens
- Screen 8x8' (manual)
- Control system with flip top keypad for media selection, volume control and projector on/off
Smart 1 Classrooms
- Armory rooms 10, 101, 102, 105, 106
- Babcock Hall room 108
- Clifford Hall rooms 366, 368
- Corwin-Larimore Hall rooms 103, 108, 302
- Gamble Hall rooms 3, 5, 145, 270, 280, 355
- Gillette Hall rooms 101, 303
- Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms164, 248, 258
- Hyslop Sports Center rooms 172, 316, 318
- Law School room 201
- Leonard Hall rooms107, 110, 112, 214, 215
- Merrifield Hall rooms 10, 14, 113, 114, 116, 117,119, 209, 210, 303, 308, 313
- Nursing Building 204, 210
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 1, 19, 32, 119, 125, 157, 201, 221, 228, 301
- Ryan Hall room 134
- Starcher Hall rooms 105 & 141
- Streibel Hall rooms 106, 108
- Witmer Hall rooms 209, 211, 309
- Gamble Hall room 225, 283
Smart 2 Classroom (Default setup for new rooms)
- Computer with network, MS Office
- DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
- Document Camera
- Sound System
- Laptop connection jack
- Teaching station (large)
- Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
- Screen 12X12' (electric)
- Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
- Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
- Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
- Interactive pen display
Smart 2 Classrooms
- Abbott Hall rooms 101, 138
- Education Building rooms 9, 12, 16, 22, 26, 109, 112, 114, 115, 294
- Hughes Fine Arts room 202
- Law Building rooms 8, 203
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 334
- Upson Hall II room 261
- Witmer Hall rooms 114, 116
- Education 5,
- Gamble Hall room 215, 315, 325
- Law School rooms 101, 102
- Nursing Building rooms 202, 212, 214, 216
Smart 3 Classroom
- Computer with network, MS Office
- DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
- Document Camera
- Sound System
- Laptop connection jack
- Teaching station (large)
- Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
- Screen 12X12' (electric)
- Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
- Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
- Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
- Interactive pen display
- Additional projector used to display same image on both screens or different images on each screen.
- Additional components may be included. Examples include: Polycom videoconferencing equipment, production station in the back of the room, and student tables with connections to projection devices.
Smart 3 Classrooms
- Education Building rooms 7, 113
- Gamble Hall rooms 1, 7, 335
- Harrington Hall room 217
- Leonard Hall room 100
- Merrifield Hall room 312
- Nursing Building rooms102, 108, 201
- Odegard Hall room 114
- O’Kelly Hall rooms 61, 31
- Education Building 17
- Gamble Hall rooms 335
- Harrington Hall room 217
- Law School rooms 6, 334, 335
- Merrifield Hall room 312
- Nursing Building rooms 201
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 310
Active Learning
- Computer with network, MS Office
- DVD/VCR or Blu Ray Player
- Document Camera
- Sound System
- Laptop connection jack
- Teaching station (large)
- Projector (ceiling mounted) 5-6,000 ANSI Lumens
- Screen 12X12' (electric)
- Control system with touch panel for media selection, volume control, microphone control
- Wireless lapel microphone for instructor
- Integrated switcher providing instructor view through monitor of all content shown through projector to audience
- Interactive pen display
Active Learning Classrooms - Examples
- Abbott 115 (Seats 32) - Smart (Flexible tables with 3 displays)
- Education 17 (Seats 24) - Team tables with displays & whiteboards
- Gamble 145 (Seats 40) - Smart (Flexible tables with a projector and 2 displays)
- Harrington 217 (Seats 48) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays
- Med School B320B (Seats 30)
- Merrifield 312 (Seats 30) - Smart (round tables with displays) - Mac OS Lab
- Nursing 201 (Seats 60) - Smart (round tables with displays)
- O'Kelly 1 (Seats 44) - Smart (dual projectors)
- O'Kelly 19 (Seats 60) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays)
- O'Kelly 61 (Seats 180) - SCALE-UP Active Learning, Smart 3 Room, with 60 Windows laptops
- O'Kelly 119 (Seats 44) - Smart (dual projectors and 7 displays)
- O'Kelly 310 (Seats 36) - Smart (D-shape tables with displays)
- Streibel 116 (Seats 31) - Dual Projectors (Round Tables)
Hybrid components (can be added to Smart 1, 2, or 3)
- Camera(s)- instructor view, student view, or both
- Student microphones
- Audio-conference system for telephone or VoIP webconferencing (using webconferencing applications such as Adobe Connect or Class Collaborate)
- Epiphan - VGA and DVI video capture hardware (for lecture capture recording)
- Education 5, 17
- Gamble Hall room 215, 225, 283, 315, 325, 335
- Harrington Hall room 217
- Law School rooms 6, 101, 102, 334, 335
- Merrifield Hall room 312
- Nursing Building rooms 201, 202, 212, 214, 216
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 310
Lecture Capture
- Camera(s) - instructor view, student view, or both
- Instructor microphone
- Epiphan - VGA and DVI video capture hardware (for lecture capture recording from additional input - laptop, document camera)
Lecture Capture
- WebCam
- Babcock Hall room 108
- Education rooms 16, 115, 294
- Gillette Hall room 303
- Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms 102
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall rooms 1, 119, 201, 334
- Merrifield Hall rooms 10, 209, 303
- Montgomery Hall rooms 201, 316
- Starcher Hall rooms 105, 141
- WebCam and wireless lapel microphone
- Hughes Fine Arts Center rooms 164
- Leonard Hall rooms 214, 215
- Witmer Hall room 116
- WebCam, wireless lapel microphone, interactive pen display
- Abbott Hall room 115
- Corwin-Larimore room 302
- WebCam, wireless lapel microphone, interactive pen display, document camera
- O’Kelly-Ireland Hall room 61
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