Duo - Log In With Duo Authentication


General information about authenticating with Duo


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After completing Duo enrollment, you'll see the Duo prompt the next time you perform a browser-based login to a web service or application protected with Duo.

The first time you log in to an application, Duo may choose one of your configured login options automatically, selecting the most-secure method from the ones you have available.

If you don't want to use the method Duo automatically suggests for that application, cancel the Duo authentication in progress and click or tap Other options. Then, select the method you want from the list.

Authentication Methods

  • Duo Push - sends an alert to your pre-configured mobile device. You must select Approve or Deny. Requires Duo Mobile app installed and activated on your Android or iOS device.
  • Duo Mobile Passcode - Log in using a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app installed and activated on your Android or iOS device. Open Duo Mobile and locate your organization's account in the accounts list, and tap it to generate a six-digit passcode. Enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application. Once activated, the Duo Mobile app will generate passcodes without an active internet or cellular connection.
  • Text Message Passcode - When you land on the text message page, it will show that a text message was just sent to you with a passcode. When you receive the message, enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.
  • Phone Call - Authenticate via phone callback. Answer the phone call from Duo and follow the voice instructions to log in to the application.
  • Hardware Token Passcode - A UIT-provided keychain fob that generates codes. Enter that passcode into the space provided and click or tap Verify to log in to the application.
  • YubiKey Passcode - A UIT-provided USB device. Connect or plug in your USB YubiKey and press it to generate and submit a passcode to log in to the application.

On certain systems, you may be able to skip authenticating with Duo again for a set amount of time. The first time you approve the Duo authentication request, you'll see the option to remember your device.

Choose Yes, this is my device to create a trusted device session that will let you skip Duo two-factor authentication when you log in again with the same browser and device until that remembered device session expires.

Follow the on-screen directions to authenticate with the chosen method.



Article ID: 153754
Fri 11/1/24 3:20 PM
Thu 12/26/24 11:51 AM

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