Please Note! These instructions only apply to personally owned Mac computers. UND-issued devices have GlobalProtect installed automatically. If the GlobalProtect icon doesn't appear in the menu bar, please contact UIT for assistance.
Launch a web browser and go to the following URL:
An NDUS Portal Log In page will appear IN A SEPARATE WINDOW. Enter your credentials as usual, and verify with DUO.

From the GlobalProtect Portal page, click "Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent".

Once the download is finished, open it from your browser or a Finder file browser window.

At the "Install GlobalProtect Introduction" window, click Continue

With your computer's boot drive selected, click Continue
At the "Installation Type" step, click to add a check-mark to the "GlobalProtect", and "GlobalProtect System extensions" options, then click Continue
Click Install
When prompted, use Touch ID or select Use Password... to enter your Mac's password manually.
The installation will begin.

When the "installation was successful" screen appears, click Close

If you see a message stating """ would like to access files in your ...... folder", click OK to proceed.

When you see the "System Extension Blocked" message, click Open System Settings

In the "Privacy & Security" window, under the text "System software from application "" was blocked from loading.", click Allow

When prompted, use Touch ID or select Use Password... to enter your Mac's password manually. Then close the "Privacy & Security" window.

You might see a notification in the top-right of your screen. Clicking it will open a window where you can change notification options for GlobalProtect. This step is optional.

You should now see the GlobalProtect icon in your menubar. This confirms the install was successful.

See the Log In page for next steps.