Write on a PDF With Adobe Acrobat Reader


Learn to use the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to write on PDF documents from a touch-screen Windows-based device. Use a stylus, your finger, or a traditional mouse to write notes, take exams, or create a digital signature.


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The free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is all you need to hand-write on PDF documents! You can also fill & sign PDFs without needing to purchase the Pro version.

  1. Download and launch Acrobat Reader.
  2. Open your PDF in Acrobat Reader
  3. Once the PDF loads, you can choose the Draw Freehand icon from the vertical toolbar.
Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  1. Adjust the zoom to a comfortable level.
  2. Use your touchscreen stylus to write on the PDF.
  3. If you make a mistake, you can select the Eraser Tool to scribble out the writing, use Control-Z on your keyboard, or select the Edit menu, and Undo.
  4. When you've finished writing on your PDF, select Save As from the File menu. That will save a new copy of the PDF with your writing included.



Article ID: 144410
Mon 2/13/23 5:01 PM
Fri 8/30/24 10:12 AM